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Giving back to those in need

I have been searching for a while for a suitable charity project that we can support with The Little Voyager and I found this beautiful and transparent project in Loitokitok, Kenya, which is helping children and women in need.

Who They Are

Emma&Anton is a German non-governmental organisation dedicated to help children and women in Loitokitok, a small village in Kenya, right at the border with Tanzania. They believe that no child should be deprived of their right to education and that every woman should be able to make her own life choices, freely and safely.

emma and anton logo

School Kids
Stiring the pot for lunch

What They Do

Sadly, but true, many children still cannot attend school and receive a proper education. This is mostly due to the lack of awareness regarding the importance of education and also lack of financial means. Emma&Anton visits families and talks to parents to offer support in getting their children the education they deserve. The organisation aims at finding sponsors who will fund monthly school fees for those kids.

Helping Girls & Young Women

Another important cause they are trying to support is helping girls and young women from suffering female genital mutilation and early marriage. Women who try to escape this often become social outcasts, some are even chased away by their own families. The organisation wants to create a safe place for them, by establishing women’s groups to give potential outcasts a new and trustworthy social environment and helping them with individual plans for their future.

Last but not least, Emma&Anton tries to be sustainable as possible in everything that they do, i.e. in reusing plastic waste in the areas they support. They also organize sustainable projects and events in Germany, such as clothes swaping parties, to raise awareness and additional funding for their projects.

How we actively help

Besides the mentioned projects, Emma&Anton have beautiful big plans for the next years and want to build a high school for the children in the village. To support this, The Little Voyager will make a donation from every booking we receive to help buy a symbolic piece of their new high school.

If you would like to know more about their project, please check out their homepage and if you can, think about a sponsorship or you can directly buy daily life items for the kids in their little shop. Shortly after you can browse through their picture gallery and see how all of these items get directly delivered to the kids.

The New High School

“At the end of the day it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished… it’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.”

Denzel Washington