“Our Dream School” is the Passion Project of some good friends of mine. They strongly believe that our school system has a lot of room for improvement. Now they are looking to offer a valid alternative to the traditional and old-fashioned school system. It is a system that we all encounter in many European countries and around the world.
They base their knowledge and expertise on the best practices of the most innovative schools. Taking their inspiration from around the world and in collaboration with carefully chosen thought leaders for learning. The goal is to create new learning models and new learning spaces that are responsive to the inspirations, needs and challenges of today’s children. Thereby preparing future generations to come.
Recently they opened the doors to their first Learning Center here in Barcelona, located in Enrique Granados 7 (not too far from Plaza Catalunya). “Our Dream School” is still accepting applicants for their next Cohort starting now in April.
If you have a child aged 15 to 22 who is either not happy at school or looking for new challenges. You should definitely check out their new space in town!
For more information contact us.
Instagram: @ourdreamschool